Title: | Ordinal Causal Discovery |
Description: | Algorithms for ordinal causal discovery. This package aims to enable users to discover causality for observational ordinal categorical data with greedy and exhaustive search. See Ni, Y., & Mallick, B. (2022) <https://proceedings.mlr.press/v180/ni22a/ni22a.pdf> "Ordinal Causal Discovery. Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (UAI 2022), PMLR 180:1530–1540". |
Authors: | Yang Ni [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Yang Ni <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.1.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-16 05:01:42 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/nystat/ordcd |
Estimate a causal directed acyclic graph (DAG) for ordinal categorical data with greedy or exhaustive search.
OrdCD( y, search = "greedy", ic = "bic", edge_list = NULL, link = "probit", G = NULL, nstart = 1, verbose = FALSE, maxit = 50, boot = NULL )
OrdCD( y, search = "greedy", ic = "bic", edge_list = NULL, link = "probit", G = NULL, nstart = 1, verbose = FALSE, maxit = 50, boot = NULL )
y |
a data frame with each column being an ordinal categorical variable, which must be a factor. |
search |
the search method used to find the best-scored DAG. The default search method is "greedy". When the number of nodes is less than 4, "exhaust" search is available. |
ic |
the information criterion (AIC or BIC) used to score DAGs. The default is "bic". |
edge_list |
an edge list of a CPDAG, which may contain both directed and undirected edges. This option can significantly speed up the algorithm by restricting the search space to DAGs that are Markov equivalent to the input CPDAG. Such CPDAG may be obtained by e.g., the PC algorithm; see the example below. |
link |
the link function for ordinal regression. The default is "probit". Other choices are "logistic", "loglog", "cloglog", and "cauchit". |
G |
a list of DAG adjacency matrices that users want to restrict their search on for the "exhaust" search. The default is "NULL" meaning no restriction imposed on the search. |
nstart |
number of random graph initializations for the "greedy" search. |
verbose |
if TRUE, messages are printed during the run of the greedy search algorithm. |
maxit |
the maximum number of iterations for the greedy search algorithm. The default is 50. When the maximum number of iteration is achieved, a warning message will be generated to caution the user that the algorithm has not converged. |
boot |
the number of bootstrap samples. Default is no bootstrapping. |
A list with "boot" elements. Each element is a list with two elements, gam and ic_best. gam is an estimated DAG adjacency matrix whose (i,j)th entry is 1 if j->i is present in the graph and 0 otherwise. ic_best is the corresponding information criterion value.
set.seed(2020) n=1000 #sample size q=3 #number of nodes y = u = matrix(0,n,q) u[,1] = 4*rnorm(n) y[,1] = (u[,1]>1) + (u[,1]>2) for (j in 2:q){ u[,j] = 2*y[,j-1] + rnorm(n) y[,j]=(u[,j]>1) + (u[,j]>2) } A=matrix(0,q,q) #true DAG adjacency matrix A[2,1]=A[3,2]=1 y=as.data.frame(y) for (j in 1:q){ y[,j]=as.factor(y[,j]) } time=proc.time() G=OrdCD(y) #estimated DAG adjacency matrix time=proc.time() - time print(A) #display the true adjacency print(G) #display the estimated adjacency print(time[3]) #elapsed time time2=proc.time() colnames(y)=1:ncol(y) PC=bnlearn::pc.stable(y,test="mi-sh",alpha=0.01) edge_list=matrix(as.numeric(PC$arcs),ncol=2) G2=OrdCD(y, edge_list=edge_list) #estimated DAG adjacency matrix with an input CPDAG from PC algorithm time2=proc.time()-time2 print(G2) #display the estimated adjacency print(time2[3]) #elapsed time ## Not run: time3=proc.time() G3=OrdCD(y,boot=10) #estimated DAG adjacency matrix with bootstrapping time3=proc.time() - time3 G_avg = matrix(colMeans(matrix(unlist(G3),nrow=q^2+1,byrow=TRUE))[1:(q^2)],q,q) print(G_avg) #display the estimated adjacency averaged over 10 bootstrap samples print(time3[3]) #elapsed time ## End(Not run)
set.seed(2020) n=1000 #sample size q=3 #number of nodes y = u = matrix(0,n,q) u[,1] = 4*rnorm(n) y[,1] = (u[,1]>1) + (u[,1]>2) for (j in 2:q){ u[,j] = 2*y[,j-1] + rnorm(n) y[,j]=(u[,j]>1) + (u[,j]>2) } A=matrix(0,q,q) #true DAG adjacency matrix A[2,1]=A[3,2]=1 y=as.data.frame(y) for (j in 1:q){ y[,j]=as.factor(y[,j]) } time=proc.time() G=OrdCD(y) #estimated DAG adjacency matrix time=proc.time() - time print(A) #display the true adjacency print(G) #display the estimated adjacency print(time[3]) #elapsed time time2=proc.time() colnames(y)=1:ncol(y) PC=bnlearn::pc.stable(y,test="mi-sh",alpha=0.01) edge_list=matrix(as.numeric(PC$arcs),ncol=2) G2=OrdCD(y, edge_list=edge_list) #estimated DAG adjacency matrix with an input CPDAG from PC algorithm time2=proc.time()-time2 print(G2) #display the estimated adjacency print(time2[3]) #elapsed time ## Not run: time3=proc.time() G3=OrdCD(y,boot=10) #estimated DAG adjacency matrix with bootstrapping time3=proc.time() - time3 G_avg = matrix(colMeans(matrix(unlist(G3),nrow=q^2+1,byrow=TRUE))[1:(q^2)],q,q) print(G_avg) #display the estimated adjacency averaged over 10 bootstrap samples print(time3[3]) #elapsed time ## End(Not run)